CCTs : Transdisciplinary Approaches to Co-Construct a Resilient Future

Coordinated by J. Wencelius, the CCTs aim to integrate the knowledge of resource users, managers, local actors, and scientists to co-design crisis management tools and strategies in response to marine heatwaves (MHWs), along with long-term adaptation solutions. These are organized into three tasks:

CCT.1: Fostering adaptive crisis management through transdisciplinary research.

Leaders: A. Ganachaud (LEGOS, IRD, NC) and M. Maamaatuaiahutapu (DRM, FP)

CCT.2: Co-designing resilient pathways and solutions for adaptation.

Leaders: J. Wencélius (CRIOBE, CNRS, FP), M. Maamaatuaiahutapu (DRM, FP), G. Lasne (Biocénose Marine, NC), Georges Kakué (Province des Iles (PIL), NC)

CCT.3: Mainstreaming MHWs risk management in public policies

Leads: A. Comte (LEMAR, IRD, France), M. Riechers (ESPACE-DEV, NC), P. Guillotreau (MARBEC, IRD, France)